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Odoo 10 - Email notifications when Sales Order or Invoices are created

When a sales order is created from User A which has User B as account manager, the following email is sent:

Dear User B,
You have been assigned to the sales order SO-0058.
<View sales order>
Powered by Odoo.

Similar email is sent when an invoice is created.

Where this template can be modified? Is there any way to disable this internal notifications globaly?


  • You can find that notification in the module mail, folder views, file mail_templates.xml.

    The XML ID of the template you're looking for is message_user_assigned.

    In the same module, folder models, file, there's the action of sending that notification:

    def _message_auto_subscribe_notify(self, partner_ids):
        """ Notify newly subscribed followers of the last posted message.
            :param partner_ids : the list of partner to add as needaction partner of the last message
                                    (This excludes the current partner)
        if not partner_ids:
        if self.env.context.get('mail_auto_subscribe_no_notify'):
        # send the email only to the current record and not all the ids matching active_domain !
        # by default, send_mail for mass_mail use the active_domain instead of active_ids.
        if 'active_domain' in self.env.context:
            ctx = dict(self.env.context)
            self = self.with_context(ctx)
        for record in self:
                partner_ids=[(4, pid) for pid in partner_ids],
                parent_id=False, # override accidental context defaults

    And this action is performed in your cases because sale.order and account.invoice models inherit from mail.thread:

    class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
        _name = "account.invoice"
        _inherit = ['mail.thread']
        _description = "Invoice"
        _order = "date_invoice desc, number desc, id desc"

    I don't recommend you to remove that _inherit. I think it'd be better to overwrite _message_auto_subscribe_notify method to check the active model and do nothing if this is sale.order or account.invoice.