I get:
Error: [mobx-state-tree] expected a mobx-state-tree type as first argument, got class HubConnection { constructor(urlOrConnection, options = {}) { options = options || {};
When trying to do this:
import { HubConnection } from '@aspnet/signalr-client';
.model('MyStore', {
connection: types.optional(HubConnection, new HubConnection('http://localhost:5000/myhub')),
I could declare it in the constructor of my React component instead as I used to
this.connection = new HubConnection('http://localhost:5000/myhub');
but then all attached eventhandlers also needs to be defined in the component
this.connection.on('Someaction', async(res: any) => {});
and starting / closing of the connection
handleBtnClicked = () => {
this.connection.start().then(() => self.connection.invoke('Someotheraction'));
and ideally I think this belongs in the model and model actions, so the react component is only triggering actions on the model and nothing more.
Is there a way to store other than mobx-state-tree types in mobx-state-tree models, can you somehow wrap it in a mobx type or is this actually not something that belongs in mobx and therefore intentionally.
It is intentional that mobx-state-tree models can only define properties of MST based types. This is because those types are snapshottable, serializable, patchable etc. While something like a HubConnection
is not a thing that could be snapshotted, rehydrated etc.
It is possible to store arbitrarily things in a MST tree, but just not as props. Instead, you could use volatile state