I have a menu with buttons, each button has a category on it. Next to the menu i placed a listbox. This listbox is linked to a productlist
in the database. I want that whenever I press a categorybutton
, the products linked to that category (with a categoryID) will display in the listbox.
Im using the following code to display the products in the listbox
var productslist = from products in db.products select products;
prodlb.ItemsSource = productslist;
private void Buttonproducts_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var productslist = from products in db.products select products;
prodlb.ItemsSource = productslist;
private void ButtonCustomers_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var Customerslist = from Customers in db.customers select customers;
prodlb.ItemsSource = Customerslist;