I read this guide here: https://angular.io/guide/http#getting-error-details
And in the snippet the guide provides the code tries to differentiate: a) client side error (like no connection etc) and b) backend responses (see code in the guide or in the pic below).
I did implement this code for my case and surprisingly when I do offline mode in Chrome dev tools (set offline flag) - I catch those errors as "backend" errors while I thought it should be the client error.
See below what error I get and my code snippet (same as in the guide):
This is a snapshot of the console.log - where clearly this message "Backend returned..." should have been shown if there was in fact server side response.
What am i missing here? Is this code: err.error instanceof Error - even valid?
The example seems to be a little outdated. HttpClient
uses XHR backend under the hood and what the documentation refers to as client side error is XHR
errors delivered through the error
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.error = handler()
According to the spec, XHR
errors are instances of ProgressEvent interface, so the this check should be added:
if (e.error instanceof Error || e.error instanceof ProgressEvent) { }