What is the main aim of accessing data via a pointer address using reinterpret_cast. Is it faster, if so, how exactly?
Below a program, which prints same struct data via . operator and via pointer(reinterpret cast).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct values{
int one;
int two;
char three;
int four;
int main()
values v { 8, 5, 'k', 653};
// access via . (or ->) operator
cout << v.one << endl;
cout << v.two << endl;
cout << v.three << endl;
cout << v.four << endl;
//via pointer access - how can this be beneficial?
values* vPtr = &v;
int* intPtr = reinterpret_cast<int*>(vPtr);
cout << *intPtr << endl;
cout << *intPtr << endl;
char* charPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(intPtr);
cout << *charPtr << endl;
charPtr += 4;
int* intPtr2 = reinterpret_cast<int*>(charPtr);
cout << *intPtr2<< endl;
return 0;
You can only access the first member via your so-called pointer access. This is permitted because v
and v.one
are pointer-interconvertible according to [basic.compound] paragraph 4:
Two objects a and b are pointer-interconvertible if:
one is a standard-layout class object and the other is the first non-static data member of that object, or, ...
If two objects are pointer-interconvertible, then they have the same address, and it is possible to obtain a pointer to one from a pointer to the other via a
However, the only benefit I can see is that you can access the member even if you don't know its name (i.e. one
in your example).
Note: I believe there should be no performance gain. Otherwise, an optimizer can optimize the evaluation of v.one
as if reinterpret_cast<int*>(&v)
is evaluated instead with knowing they are equivalent at compile time.
Accessing other members via pointer access in your example is undefined behavior. As @TWBennet said, one reason is that there may be paddings between adjacent members. However, even if there is no padding, intptr++
only obtains a pointer past-the-end, which will not automatically point to the member even at the same address. You can see details in that question.