I normally run Gradle tasks (xx.sh files) in cygwin and am wondering if I can run them from my IDE, Intellij. I have installed the BashSupport plugin, but have no idea how to create a bash launch configuration. A kind, step-by-step instruction would be appreciated since I am super new.
Also, can someone tell me what is good/bad about running tasks from Intellij instead of from cygwin?
Yes, IDEA supports Gradle. For a start, you should install the Gradle plugin if you haven't done this. Then you need a build.gradle
and import the project as Gradle project.
About this
A kind, step-by-step instruction would be appreciated since I am super new.
Well, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Do what everyone else does: Read the documentation and learn. @nkr gave you the first hint. Don't expect people to do your job.