I have a problem with maven profiles. Coming to the details, I have two profiles like profile1 and profile2. I have declared few properties for both the profiles along with the modules which needs to be updated by each profile individually. Let see the below configuration,
Coming to the point, profile1 property ABC has to update in module1 and module2 and profile2 property XYZ has to update in module3 and module4. while building the application I have tried the below all commands.
mvn clean install -Pprofile1,profile2
mvn clean install -P profile1,profile2
when I use the above commands to build the project, XYZ has updating in all the modules. Similarly, when I use the below commands ABC is updating in all 4 modules.
mvn clean install -Pprofile2,profile1
mvn clean install -P profile2,profile1
My requirement is to update ABC only in module1 and module2, XYZ in module3 and module4. Could you please tell me, any solution which will solve this problem.
Note: I have even tried for the below command, mvn clean install -Pprofile1 -Pprofile2 Build has failed with goal or life cycle issue.
The property in your aggregator is unique. So with your configuration, one profile overrides the other.
The solution in your case is to take the property out of the profile:
Since in your case the properties are always the same for each respective module.
As khmarbaise already wrote, your usage of profile seems somewhat odd...