Although I believe this is harmless, warnings quite irk me. So I'm using a very specific version of TwilioChatClient together with TwilioClient. These two specific versions are what Twilio have been using in their sample projects.
Anyways, the warning when installing / updating pods:
[!] Found multiple specifications for
TwilioChatClient (1.0.9)
: - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/7/d/e/TwilioChatClient/1.0.9/TwilioChatClient.podspec.json - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/twilio/TwilioChatClient/1.0.9/TwilioChatClient.podspec[!] Found multiple specifications for
TwilioChatClient (1.0.8)
: - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/7/d/e/TwilioChatClient/1.0.8/TwilioChatClient.podspec.json - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/twilio/TwilioChatClient/1.0.8/TwilioChatClient.podspec[!] Found multiple specifications for
TwilioChatClient (1.0.7)
: - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/7/d/e/TwilioChatClient/1.0.7/TwilioChatClient.podspec.json - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/twilio/TwilioChatClient/1.0.7/TwilioChatClient.podspec[!] Found multiple specifications for
TwilioChatClient (1.0.6)
: - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/7/d/e/TwilioChatClient/1.0.6/TwilioChatClient.podspec.json - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/twilio/TwilioChatClient/1.0.6/TwilioChatClient.podspec[!] Found multiple specifications for
TwilioChatClient (1.0.5)
: - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/7/d/e/TwilioChatClient/1.0.5/TwilioChatClient.podspec.json - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/twilio/TwilioChatClient/1.0.5/TwilioChatClient.podspec[!] Found multiple specifications for
TwilioChatClient (1.0.4)
: - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/7/d/e/TwilioChatClient/1.0.4/TwilioChatClient.podspec.json - /Users/XXX/.cocoapods/repos/twilio/TwilioChatClient/1.0.4/TwilioChatClient.podspec
My podfile:
project 'Proj/Proj.xcodeproj'
source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'Proj' do
pod 'TwilioClient', '~>1.2' # Twilio Call Framework
pod 'TwilioChatClient', '1.0.4' # Twilio Chat Framework
target 'MobileMedTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.0'
target 'ProjUITests' do
I think specifying two kinds of sources (which are both necessary) causes these warnings. Is there a way to put the specific source right beside the pod?
In fact, your problem comes from the fact that you have added the twilio repo to your pod source with this line :
source ''
So when you type pod repo
, you obtain something like :
- Type: git (master)
- URL:
- Path: /Users/cyrille/.cocoapods/repos/master
- Type: git (master)
- URL:
- Path: /Users/cyrille/.cocoapods/repos/twilio
And when you execute pod install
, cocoa pods can find a version of this lib both in master's cocoapods repo and in twilio's one... which make the warning.
To remove this warning, remove this line from your Podfile :
source ''
In a terminal execute the following commands :
pod repo remove twilio
and then :
pod update
You should get the following with no more warnings :
Analyzing dependencies
Removing TwilioClient
Downloading dependencies
Installing TwilioChatClient 2.2.0 (was 1.0.4)
Installing TwilioSDK (1.2.9)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed.