I have the following code snippet and test
class Service
def self.status(base_uri = 'localhost', basic_auth = {})
base_uri = "#{ base_uri }/status"
response = HTTParty.get(base_uri, basic_auth: basic_auth)
rescue StandardError => e
raise "Error occured code: #{ response.code } msg: #{ e.message }"
it 'should return error msg if url is not valid' do
bad_url = "http://bar_url.com"
expected = 'Error occured'
stub_request(:get, bad_url).
with(headers: {'Authorization'=>'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='}).
expect { Service.status(bad_url, { username: @username, password: @password }) }.to raise_error(/#{ expected }/)
This code is based on the documentation.
As a result rspec always raises an exception:
expected /Error occured/, got #<WebMock::NetConnectNotAllowedError: Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: GET h...rization'=>'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='})
Can anyone help me figure out what I should change to get a StandardError
as a result?
Since the service calls "#{ base_uri }/status"
which is http://bar_url.com/status
but the stub_request
is declared with http://bar_url.com
only, the Net::HTTP.Get looks for match with this instead of http://bar_url/status
This is the reason why there is no error raising in the test.