I am learning postfix unary operators in Scala. The following can not compile:
val result = 43 toString
However if I add one empty line inbetween the two lines, the code compile and produces right output:
val result = 43 toString
What is the difference between these two segments? BTW, I did not add "import scala.language.postfixOps".
Perhaps the issue is clearer if we use some other operator instead of toString
// This parses as `List(1,2,3,4) ++ List(4,5,6)`
List(1,2,3,4) ++
Basically, in order to make the above work, while also allowing things like foo ?
(a postfix operator), Scala needs to know when it is OK to stop expecting a second argument (and accept that the expression is a postfix operator).
Its solution is give up on finding a second argument if there is an interceding new line.