I found this article on cleaning up chained scopes that would be great in a project I'm working on. However, some of my scopes have arguments. I can't think of a way to make this work with arguments. I tried string interpolation which I suspected wouldn't work and of course, didn't.
def self.send_chain(methods)
methods.inject(self, :send)
$ methods = ["with_author", "pending_review", "draft", "flagged", "published", "with_website", "with_meta_title", "with_meta_description"]
$ Article.send_chain(methods)
def send_chain(methods)
methods.inject(self) { |result, method| result.send(*method) }
Methods should be an array, and if a method needs an argument or several arguments, that should be a sub-array
[:foo, [:bar, "argument"], :baz]