I need to construct a YAML configuration file for a ROS node, inside a C# application. Basically, users specifies parameters values, and I fetch those values to write the YAML file.
I'm developing on MonoDevelop with help of the great YamlDotNet plugin by @Antoine Aubry. However, starting from this question : Build a Yaml document dynamically from c#, I cannot find a way to save the YAML document to a simple text file, instead of outputting it in the console.
I've been looking into StreamWriter, TextWriter, Byte Converter and so many things that I'm a little lost here. I'm using this example code, in this fiddle https://dotnetfiddle.net/0raqgN
var address = new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("street"), new YamlScalarNode("123 Tornado Alley\nSuite 16") { Style = YamlDotNet.Core.ScalarStyle.Literal },
new YamlScalarNode("city"), new YamlScalarNode("East Westville"),
new YamlScalarNode("state"), new YamlScalarNode("KS")
) { Anchor = "main-address" };
var stream = new YamlStream(
new YamlDocument(
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("repeipt"), new YamlScalarNode("Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice"),
new YamlScalarNode("date"), new YamlScalarNode("2007-08-06"),
new YamlScalarNode("customer"), new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("given"), new YamlScalarNode("Dorothy"),
new YamlScalarNode("family"), new YamlScalarNode("Gale")
new YamlScalarNode("items"), new YamlSequenceNode(
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("part_no"), new YamlScalarNode("A4786"),
new YamlScalarNode("descrip"), new YamlScalarNode("Water Bucket (Filled)"),
new YamlScalarNode("price"), new YamlScalarNode("1.47"),
new YamlScalarNode("quantity"), new YamlScalarNode("4")
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("part_no"), new YamlScalarNode("E1628"),
new YamlScalarNode("descrip"), new YamlScalarNode("High Heeled \"Ruby\" Slippers"),
new YamlScalarNode("price"), new YamlScalarNode("100.27"),
new YamlScalarNode("quantity"), new YamlScalarNode("1")
new YamlScalarNode("bill-to"), address,
new YamlScalarNode("ship-to"), address,
new YamlScalarNode("specialDelivery"), new YamlScalarNode("Follow the Yellow Brick\nRoad to the Emerald City.\nPay no attention to the\nman behind the curtain.") { Style = YamlDotNet.Core.ScalarStyle.Literal }
The last thing I tried was this :
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (@"/home/guillaume/test_yaml.yaml");
stream.Save (sw);
But the file test_yaml.yaml remains empty (0 octets) every damn time, whereas I want it to look like this :
repeipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice
date: 2007-08-06
given: Dorothy
family: Gale
- part_no: A4786
descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)
price: 1.47
quantity: 4
- part_no: E1628
descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers
price: 100.27
quantity: 1
bill-to: &main-address
street: |-
123 Tornado Alley
Suite 16
city: East Westville
state: KS
ship-to: *main-address
specialDelivery: |-
Follow the Yellow Brick
Road to the Emerald City.
Pay no attention to the
man behind the curtain.
Sorry if this looks like a noob question!
To people finding this without an answer, I found another answer useful. In short, everything is correct except the Save
call. This excerpt from the other answer is what made the file actually contain the YAML:
using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText("C:\\temp\\some-file.yaml")) {
yaml.Save(writer, false);