I have an xcopy script that I'm running that reads in a .csv file with directories and file names and parses it to copy the files.
Here's the script:
echo F | for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %i in (D:\foo.csv)
do xcopy /i /d "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
The output to the command prompt are the commands being executed:
echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\hcri001\a1\
ffce5a14-33ca-43cf-b366-af266c450979" "Y:\hcri001\a1\ffce5a14-33ca-43cf-b366
-af266c450979" 1>>"D:\xopy\Log.txt
However, the log just has the output of the commands:
0 File(s) copied
0 File(s) copied
0 File(s) copied
Does Y:\hcri001\2d\545392db-50fa-40d9-aaa2-0892ca5057f3 specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? F
1 File(s) copied
Is there someway to have both the commands being executed, as well as the output? Also, is there anyway to have some sort of counter that I can put in the beginning of the line?
My Ideal log file would be in this format:
1) C:\Desktop>echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\hcri001\a7\
00a62a73-d7a7-4cfb-b55c-457bc67b3647" "Y:\hcri001\a7\00a62a73-d7a7-4cfb-b55c
-457bc67b3647" 1>>"D:\Robocopy\AtlusPatient131172CopyLog.txt
0 File(s) copied
2) C:\Desktop>echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\hcri001\d5\
003452354-d7a7-4cfb-452c-457bc67b3647" "Y:\hcri001\d5\003452354-d7a7-4cfb-452c-457bc67b3647" 1>>"D:\Robocopy\AtlusPatient131172CopyLog.txt
0 File(s) copied
3) C:\Desktop>echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\hcri001\2d\545392db-50fa-40d9-aaa2-0892ca5057f3" "Y:\hcri001\2d\545392db-50fa-40d9-aaa2-0892ca5057f3" 1>>"D:\Robocopy\AtlusPatient131172CopyLog.txt
Does Y:\hcri001\2d\545392db-50fa-40d9-aaa2-0892ca5057f3 specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? F
1 File(s) copied
and bonus points if the command can be trimmed to just include the file name instead of the whole command i.e. 1) "Z:\hcri001\2d\545392db-50fa-40d9-aaa2-0892ca5057f3"
0 File(s) copied
for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %i in (D:\foo.csv) do (
echo xcopy /i /d "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
echo f | xcopy /i /d "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
For the counter you need SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS
then set counter=1
and inside the loop set /a counter=!counter! + 1