I am building a native module that needs to link a static library. The path to that library. My binding.gyp file has the following appearance:
"targets": [
"target_name": "DcpServer",
"sources": [
"include_dirs": [
"libraries": [
"defines": [ "CSIWEB_EMBEDDED", "UNICODE", "_UNICODE" ],
"configurations": {
"Release": {
"msvs_settings": {
"VCCLCompilerTool": {
"ExceptionHandling": 1,
"RuntimeTypeInfo": "true"
"Debug": {
"msvs_settings": {
"VCCLCompilerTool": {
"ExceptionHandling": 1,
"RuntimeTypeInfo": "true"
The path to coratools.lib will vary based upon whether the debug or release configuration is selected. The problem is that node-gyp did not allow me to place the "libraries" key within the "configurations" property. Is there a way of doing what I want by making the library path conditional?
I never did discover how to do this. In the end, I switched to using cmake-js to build my native module.