I've recently come across spi2statbits in the following function:
int WriteSPI2( int data)
int f;
SPI2BUF = data; // write to buffer for TX
while( !SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF)
{f=1;}// wait transfer completion
return SPI2BUF; // read the received value
} // WriteSPI2
I'm using the above in conjunction with a PIC24FJ128GA010 project.
I've been searching around to find more about SPI2STATbits but haven't found actual documentation. I assume this is a fairly basic requirement.
Can someone direct me to the correct documentation?
See page 130 of the datasheet , look for SPIxSTAT
For the particular device, do a search for SPI2STATbits in all included header files.
It's in p24FJ128GA010.h
#define SPI2STAT SPI2STAT extern volatile uint16_t SPI2STAT __attribute__((__sfr__)); __extension__ typedef struct tagSPI2STATBITS {...