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Re-using Bigtable connection with AbstractCloudBigtableTableDoFn

I have a DoFn that extends AbstractCloudBigtableTableDoFn<> in order to send frequent Buffered Mutation requests to Bigtable.

When I run the job in the Cloud, I see repeated log entries at this step of the Dataflow pipeline that look like this:

Opening connection for projectId XXX, instanceId XXX, on data host, table admin host


Bigtable options: BigtableOptions{XXXXX (lots of option entries here}

The code within the DoFn looks something like this:

    public void processElement(ProcessContext c)
            BufferedMutator mPutUnit = getConnection().getBufferedMutator(TableName.valueOf(TABLE_NAME));

            for (CONDITION)
                // create lots of different rowsIDs
                Put p = new Put(newRowID).addColumn(COL_FAMILY, COL_NAME, COL_VALUE);
        } catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}

This DoFn gets called very frequently.

Should I worry that Dataflow tries to re-establish the connection to Bigtable with every call to this DoFn? I was under the impression that inheriting from this class should ensure that a single connection to Bigtable should be re-used across all calls?


  • "Opening connection for projectId ..." should appear once per worker per AbstractCloudBigtableTableDoFn instance. Can you double check that connections are being opened per call as opposed to per worker?

    • Limit the number of workers to a handful
    • In stack driver, expand the "Opening connection for projectId" messages and check if jsonPayload.worker is duplicated across different log messages.

    Also, can you detail what version of the client you are using and what version of beam?
