I have a requirement to automate a tableau report which would connect to the image placed in a some common path/URL.
I tried the 'WebPage' option. It works good. but my problem is since the PNG file gets updated everyday with new image , the tableau report would also update with the current image.
I am not sure on how to access the historical data/image in tableau.
Is there anyway to automate in such a way that the historical data(yesterday's PNG iamge) can be accessed also when needed.
PS:I send the tableau package after refreshing the image to BAs on daily basis so that they can update some data in the tableau report.
These PNG images are screenshot of some ppts.
I was able to achieve this using the following steps.
1.Created folder in shared path with folder names as dates and placed the
images under the folder for respective dates.
2.Created a date parameter and used it as filter in tableau.
3.Use the date parameter in the URL
By this, when i change the date filter in tableau then images will get updated with picture available under that date folder path.
PS. Image names has to be consistent . Only the folder name should change to
the date value for everyday.