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I'm trying to set a footer with css and I need to have 2 lines

I have this css:

            @page {
            size: letter;
            margin: 15mm;
            @top-center {
                font-family: Arial Unicode MS;
                content: "Header stuff- blah blah";

            @bottom-center {
                content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages);


I have a Visualforce page that is converted into a PDF and the CSS works great at giving a page counter on the bottom of every page. Ultimately a VF page just has html contained in it.

I want to add a URL that appears in the footer above the page counter on every page and I haven't been able to figure it out.

Any ideas?



  • You need two things:

    • inject the newline which normally isn't allowed in content, this can be done with \A (A in hexadecimal = 10 in decimal. "New line", commonly shown as \n is 10th character in ASCII tables)
    • you need to respect that newline, out of the box multiple spaces, tabs etc are happily ignored in HTML (that's why we use <br> etc)

      <apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" applyHtmlTag="false" 
          standardStylesheets="false" readonly="true"
                  <style type="text/css">
                  @page {
                      size: A5 landscape;
                      @bottom-right {
                          content: "\A" counter(page) " of " counter(pages);
                      white-space: pre-line;