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how to use emacsclient -e "command" to convert a .org file to html?

I want use emacsclient -e "command" to covert org mode file to html file, such as:

emacsclient -e "(org-html-export-as-html ./" > ./mynote.html

hope it will be save output to mynote.html file.
But I'm not familiar with elisp yet. Actually, org-html-export-as-html has many parameter I don't know how to use it.


  • A/ You can do it "yourself" with:

    emacsclient -e "(progn (find-file \"\") (org-html-export-to-html) (kill-buffer))" 

    Caveat: to make it works you should have started Emacs with

    emacs --daemon 

    or if you already have an Emacs running, type M-x server-start

    B/ use a github package

    which creates some compiled lisp executables:

    • org-export html
    • org-export tangle
    • ...

    However my personnal experience is that the command line approach is faster.

    C/ Bonus, tangling file

    You can tangle files with the same command line approach:

    emacsclient -e "(org-babel-tangle-file \"\")"

    Update, gives more details about C/

    "tangling" is a term coined from literate programming

    Literate programming (LP) tools are used to obtain two representations from a literate source file: one suitable for further compilation or execution by a computer, the "tangled" code, and another for viewing as formatted documentation, which is said to be "woven" from the literate source.[3] While the first generation of literate programming tools were computer language-specific, the later ones are language-agnostic and exist above the programming languages.

    You have a unique file:

    #+TITLE: My Org file
    * Configuration
    #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle yes :tangle "" :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
    echo "This is my configuration script"
    echo " something interesting here.."

    You can html export it (parts A/ or B/), but but can also export the code it contains, here a shell script. From Emacs this can be done with C-c C-v t or, from shell, using the command I provided in C/ part. The result is the automatic generation of the file.

    You can have a look here: Babel: active code in Org-mode for further details.