I'm using a Zebra ZT410 for printing a very simple label with a single barcode and encoding a SMARTRAC Frog 3D RFID tag with a Monza 4D chip on it.
My goal is to also program RFID User Memory on the RFID tag, but I can't write more than 4 bytes before the printer starts printing void labels.
This prints a barcode and programs the EPC memory on the RFID tag (no User Memory programming):
This does the same as above, but also programs 4 bytes of user memory:
Programming more than 4 bytes of user memory results in void tags:
What am I doing wrong?
According to the specification page for the Monza 4D tag (Impinj), the Monza 4D only has 32 bits of user memory. That's 4 bytes. The printer's only way to deal with the error of trying to encode more data than the chip is capable of is to void the tag.