I am looking to display the current song I am listening to on Spotify. There is an endpoint to obtain this here (Spotify Web API Player) which requires authentication through the Spotify web API.
If I have obtained a Client ID and Client Secret from my app settings, which authentication type is suited to my needs?
I've looked here (Spotify Authorization Flows) but from my understanding and confusion, I believe this cannot be done as the request for authentication would be to authenticate the user against my app and display their current song and not mine.
Fundamentally, I'm looking for a way to display my current song without the end user having to request access to my app but instead, the app uses my details.
Thanks in advance.
Arielle from Spotify here.
The Authorization Code Flow is what you're looking for, but you are correct that in a standard implementation users would see their own data (which makes sense - you usually don't want users seeing other users' data)
However, you can set it up such that you're the only one who authenticates and only your data is shown. I actually made an app to show my currently playing track a little while back. Check it out on Glitch here: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/ari-currently-playing
You can simply start editing the project to "remix" it and make your own version!
Hope this helps, let me know if you run into any issues!