What I am trying to do is to enable a customized context menu item to appear when users right-click folders in a specific directory.
So in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
I created my key (say with the name: MyProgram
), and I created the subkey command
that has the path to my program to run (say, "C:\Users\myuser\myApp\MyProgram.exe").
Until now it is ok and works correctly. But when I add the entry AppliesTo
under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\MyProgram
and set it to C:\Users
it does not work and the context menu item does not appear anymore!
Important Note: My windows language is German and the display name of Users folder in my windows explorer is Benutzer. Whenever I set AppliesTo
to C:\Benutzer
instead it works correctly, despite the fact that the command
works with Users
path properly! Alsowhen I echo %USERPROFILE%
in the cmd it is printed in English as C:\Users\myuser
and not Benutzer.
Is there a way to programmatically get the display path of Users or any folder in the system?
Please note: I cannot simply write Benutzer instead of Users in the path because the path can be dynamic. I am doing it programmatically and want my code to have consistent behavior in different machines with different languages. I am using C++ winreg API to set the registry values (for example: RegOpenKeyEx() and RegSetValueEx()).
Below is an export of the working version of the key:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\Users\\myuser\\path\\to\\MyProgram.exe\" \"%1\""
I found the solution. The localized name of folders can be obtained using the function SHGetLocalizedName
, however it requires some additional work to get the string representation of the localized name. The following code snippet shows an example of how to do it.
PWSTR name = new WCHAR[100];;
PCWSTR folder = TEXT("C:\\Users");
UINT len=100;
int id=0;
HRESULT hr = SHGetLocalizedName(folder, name, len, &id);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
wprintf(L"%ls\n", name);
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(name, name, len);
if (shell_handle) {
if (LoadString(shell_handle, id, name, len) != 0) {
wprintf(L"%ls\n", name);
The result of the previous code will be Benutzer in case of German locale.
You will need to include the following headers as well
#include <wchar.h>
#include <Shellapi.h>