On Idris, it is not possible to perform pattern matching against primitive strings. As such, it is not obvious how to prove things about them. For example, this function may return a proof that the first character of a list of chars is 'a':
f : (l : List Char) -> Maybe (head' l = Just 'a')
f ('a' :: []) = Just Refl
f xs = Nothing
Which is pretty simple and passes the type checker. If we try to implement the same thing for native strings, though, we'll write something like this:
g : (s : String) -> Maybe (prim__strHead s = 'a')
g s = if prim__strHead s == 'a'
then Just Refl
else Nothing
Which fails to typecheck because the compiler obviously can't conclude prim__strHead s == 'a'
just from the fact it passed the prim__strHead s == 'a'
What is, thus, the proper way to prove things about primitive strings?
As suggested on IRC, you could use Data.String.Views.strList
to pattern match on strings:
import Data.String.Views
g : (s : String) -> ...
g s with (strList s)
g "" | SNil = ?no
g (strCons x _) | SCons x _ with (decEq x 'a')
g (strCons 'a' _) | SCons 'a' _ | Yes Refl = ?yes
g (strCons x _) | SCons x _ | No contra = ?no2