I am starting using behave and selenium to write automative tests. I want to create parameter called url as an configuration parameter and: - be able to set it's default value - be able to pass it as an argument from command line
I know I should be able to use userdata to achieve this, but I can't figure out how exactly. Can anybody help? :)
You can pass directly any variable your behave execution needs via CLI, in my project we use it on Jenkins CI (Shell step) like so:
python -m behave -D platform=desktop -D os=linux -D test.environment=$environment -D browser=remote.chrome -D jenkins.job=$JOB_NAME $TAGS -t=~ignore --no-skipped --no-capture --junit --junit-directory junit_reports
In our behave.ini
platform=desktop ;this should be configurable via behave @tags
Then in Python code just access the data:
if context.config.userdata['browser'].lower() == ApplicationDriversEnum.SELENIUM_CHROME:
driver = __create_chrome_driver(context)