I'm trying to create a function that pastes an image from the user's clipboard to the canvas as a new fabric.Image()
. Any search result I find either describes cloning objects already on the canvas or pasting IText data. This SO question is related to what I'm asking about, but it's 4 years old and the function in the top answer doesn't work:
How to do Copy and paste the image from User system to Canvas using fabric.js
Here's the code I'm currently trying to use. I'm trying to set up a paste function I can call later:
var $wrapper = $('#content'),
canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas', {
width: 400,
height: 550
pasteImage = function (e) {
var items=e.originalEvent.clipboardData.items;
// Fabric.js image function
function canvasImage(url) {
var img = new fabric.Image(url);
//Loop through files
for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++){
var file = items.items[i],
type = file.type;
if (type.indexOf("image")!=-1) {
var imageData = file.getAsFile();
var imageURL=window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(imageData);
$wrapper.on('paste', pasteImage);
Here's a fiddle to see it in action (or inaction, I guess). This will eventually be part of a Photoshop plugin, so thankfully I only need to worry about this working in Chrome.
I couldn't get your paste event handler to trigger, because i'm not sure if div can natively take the past event unless you make it a contenteditable div, which in your use case i doubt you want to do.
I just recently implemented this in an app of my own, but i wasn't using fabric, just native canvas and js.
You're going to have to rework your code, but try changing
$wrapper.on('paste', pasteImage);
$(window).on('paste', pasteImage);
Regardless, I tinkered with your current code, and this is what I got to work, albeit it might not have your settings being triggered completely, but it is pasting the image in:
(function() {
var $wrapper = $('#content'),
canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas', {
width: 400,
height: 550
txtStyles = {
top: 100,
left: 200,
padding: 6,
fill: '#d6d6d6',
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
fontSize: '24',
originY: 'center',
originX: 'center',
borderColor: '#d6d6d6',
cornerColor: '#d6d6d6',
cornerSize: 5,
cornerStyle: 'circle',
transparentCorners: false,
lockUniScaling: true
imgAttrs = {
left: 200,
top: 200,
originY: 'center',
originX: 'center',
borderColor: '#d6d6d6',
cornerColor: '#d6d6d6',
cornerSize: 5,
cornerStyle: 'circle',
transparentCorners: false,
lockUniScaling: true
introTxt = new fabric.Text('Paste images here', txtStyles),
pasteImage = function (e) {
var items=e.originalEvent.clipboardData.items;
//Loop through files
for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++){
if (items[i].type.indexOf('image')== -1) continue;
var file = items[i],
type = items[i].type;
var imageData = file.getAsFile();
var URLobj = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
var img = new Image();
img.src = URLobj.createObjectURL(imageData);
fabric.Image.fromURL(img.src, function(img){
//Canvas starter text
introCanvas = function() {
$(window).on('paste', pasteImage);
fiddlers: https://jsfiddle.net/c0kw5dbu/3/