When I create a new thread in pry or irb, it is immediately started.
[1] pry(main)> th = Thread.new {puts "hi"}
=> #<Thread:0x00007ff09b8e8c10@(pry):1 dead>
[2] pry(main)> th.join
=> #<Thread:0x00007ff09b8e8c10@(pry):1 dead>
irb(main):001:0> th = Thread.new {puts 'hi'}
=> #<Thread:0x00007fe2cc91e860@(irb):1 run>
irb(main):002:0> th.join
=> #<Thread:0x00007fe2cc91e860@(irb):1 dead>
Is there any way to prevent this? Not sure how this behavior could be useful; I'd like it to behave like it would if I ran it in a file.
When you run it in a file, they DO start automatically.
You can immediately pause a thread by issuing a Stop in the beginning of the block.
th = Thread.new { Thread.stop; puts 'hi' }
# not running yet
# now will print 'hi'