I am assigned an owner role in my Employer's Azure subscription. He was able to create resource groups, but I can't. We're both wondering why since I was already assigned as Owner, the highest role aside from subscription level.
When I try the az group create --name myGroup -l southeastasia
command, its response is
The client 'live.com#<myAccount>@outlook.com' with object id '<object ID>'
does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/
resourcegroups/write' over scope '/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourcegroups/<myGroup>'.
Do you have multiple subscriptions in your tenant? If yes, you should set it.
##list subscription
az account list --output table
##change the active subscription
az account set --subscription "My Demos"
If you only have a subscription, I suggest you could create a sp, then use the sp to create a new resource group. See this link.
You should give Owner
role on subscription level, according to your screenshot, you give Owner
role on resource group role, you only create resources in the resource group. You also could not create new resource group. You should give Owner
role to your subscription,like below: