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Slow MySQL queries using SUM()

I have to run two queries in my code to get my tenants balance. However, these queries are too slow.

First query, I get all the tenants and it's unit name:

SELECT t.TenantID 
  FROM Tenants t
  JOIN Units u
    ON t.UnitID = u.UnitID
 Where t.Prospect = 2 
   AND t.PropertyID = 8
    BY CONCAT(Left(Replace(UnitName,'-',''),2),
              REPEAT('0', (10-CHAR_LENGTH(UnitName))),
             )     )

It returns 500 rows

Then I get the balances in 4 conditions. This query will be inside of first query loop:

        SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 1 AND ChargeTypeID != 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalDebit,
        SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 1 AND ChargeTypeID = 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS HousingDebit,
        SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 2 AND ChargeTypeID != 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCredit,
        SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 2 AND ChargeTypeID = 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS HousingCredit
    From TenantTransactions
    Where TenantID= FirstQuery.TenantID

Am I doing the queries wrong? It's taking like 1 minute to run.


  • Do this in a single query with GROUP BY.

    Try something like this:

    SELECT t.TenantID, TotalDebit, HousingDebit, TotalCredit, HousingCredit
      FROM Tenants t
      JOIN Units u ON t.UnitID = u.UnitID
      LEFT JOIN (
              SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 1 AND ChargeTypeID != 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalDebit,
              SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 1 AND ChargeTypeID = 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS HousingDebit,
              SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 2 AND ChargeTypeID != 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCredit,
              SUM(CASE WHEN TransactionTypeID = 2 AND ChargeTypeID = 6 THEN TransactionAmount ELSE 0 END) AS HousingCredit
            From TenantTransactions
           Group By TenantID
           ) sums ON sums.TenantID = t.TenantID
     Where t.Prospect = 2 
       AND t.PropertyID = 8
        BY CONCAT(Left(Replace(UnitName,'-',''),2),REPEAT('0', (10-CHAR_LENGTH(UnitName))),Right(Replace(UnitName,'-',''),CHAR_LENGTH(Replace(UnitName,'-',''))-2))

    The inner query may still run for a while but it will only run once.

    Try a compound covering index on TenantTransactions containing these columns: (TenantID, TransactionTypeID, ChargeTypeID, TransactionAmount) to optimize the query with the SUMs in it.

    Try a compound index on Tenants with the columns (PropertyID, Prospect) in it.