I have a working App that sends an NSNotification to itself when the User pushes a button in the window (Xcode using PyObjC):
from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
import objc
class SpeakAppDelegate(NSObject):
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender):
NSLog("Application really did finish launching.")
nc = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
self, "mycallback:", 'love_note', None)
#self, "mycallback:", None, None)
def mycallback_(self,note):
print 'note'
print note.description()
def button_(self,sender):
print sender, 'button'
nc = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
'love_note', None, {'path':'xyz'})
(A detail: the signature is probably not exactly right, but it works).
Leave it running. Now I want to figure out how to send the same notification to this App from another application, for example:
// gcc tell.m -o test -framework Foundation
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main() {
NSNotificationCenter *nc;
nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc postNotificationName:@"love_note"
userInfo:nil ];
return 0;
I notice that if I un-comment the line in the first App then I get lots of other notifications, but they are all from events related to my App. I never hear anything from outside. How can I send a notification between processes? And then, is there any way to send a notification from the command line? Thanks.
Update: Simply substitute NSDistributedNotificationCenter above, and the example works.
I don't believe there is a way to do communication between two apps using NSNotificationCenter. I have not used it before, but I believe two apps communicating is more of a job for Distributed Objects.
From Apple's documentation:
Each process has a default notification center that you access with the NSNotificationCenter +defaultCenter class method. This notification center handles notifications within a single process. For communication between processes on the same machine, use a distributed notification center (see “NSDistributedNotificationCenter”).
It does seem like NSDistributedNotificationCenter could also do what you are looking for without getting deep into Distributed Objects.