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Using String Masks in Perl

I have a program that allows a user to specify a mask such as MM-DD-YYYY, and compare it to a string. In the string, the MM will be assumed to be a month, DD will be the day of the month, and YYYY will be the year. Everything else must match exactly:

  • String: 12/31/2010 Mask MM-DD-YYYY: Fail: Must use slashes and not dashes
  • String: 12/31/2010 Mask DD/MM/YYYY: Fail: Month must be second and there's no month 31.
  • String: 12/31-11 Mask: MM/DD-YY: Pass: String matches mask.

Right now, I use index and substr to pull out the month, day, and year, then I use xor to generate a mask for everything else. It seems a bit inelegant, and I was wondering if there's a better way of doing this:

my $self = shift;
my $date = shift;

my $format = $self->Format();

my $month;
my $year;
my $day;

my $monthIndex;
my $yearIndex;
my $dayIndex;

# Pull out Month, Day, and Year
if (($monthIndex = index($format, "MM")) != -1) {
    $month = substr($date, $monthIndex, 2);

if (($dayIndex = index($format, "DD")) != -1) {
    $day = substr($date, $dayIndex, 2);

if (($yearIndex = index($format, "YYYY")) != -1) {
    $year = substr($date, $yearIndex, 4);
elsif (($yearIndex = index($format, "YY")) != -1) {
    $year = substr($date, $yearIndex, 2);
    if ($year < 50) {
        $year += 2000;
    else {
        $year += 1900;

# Validate the Rest of Format

(my $restOfFormat = $format) =~ s/[MDY]/./g;    #Month Day and Year can be anything
if ($date !~ /^$restOfFormat$/) {
    return; #Does not match format
[...More Stuff before I return a true value...]

I'm doing this for a date, time (using HH, MM, SS, and A/*AA*), and IP addresses in my code.

BTW, I tried using regular expressions to pull the date from the string, but it's even messier:

    my $mask = "M" x length($format);  #All M's the length of format string

    my $monthMask = ($format ^ $mask);      #Bytes w/ "M" will be "NULL"
    $monthMask =~ s/\x00/\xFF/g;    #Change Null bytes to "FF"
    $monthMask =~ s/[^\xFF]/\x00/g; #Null out other bytes

    #   ####Mask created! Apply mask to Date String

    $month = ($monthMask & $date);  #Nulls or Month Value
    $month =~ s/\x00//g;            #Remove Null bytes from string

It's a neat programming trick, but it was pretty hard to understand exactly what I was doing and thus would make it hard for someone else to maintain.


  • Another option could be to rewrite your pattern into strftime/strptime pattern and test with those functions. I am using versions included in core Time::Piece module.

    use Time::Piece;
    test('12/31/2010' => 'MM-DD-YYYY');
    test('12/31/2010' => 'DD/MM/YYYY');
    test('12/31-11'   => 'MM/DD-YY');
    sub test {
        my ($time, $mask) = @_;
        my $t = eval { Time::Piece->strptime($time, make_format_from($mask)) };
        print "String: $time  Mask: $mask  "
          . (defined $t ? "Pass: ".$t->ymd : "Fail"), "\n";
    sub make_format_from {
        my $mask = shift;
        for($mask) {
        return $mask;

    This code yields

    String: 12/31/2010  Mask: MM-DD-YYYY  Fail
    String: 12/31/2010  Mask: DD/MM/YYYY  Fail
    String: 12/31-11  Mask: MM/DD-YY  Pass: 2011-12-31