I have a php generated HTML where I would like to add some css onmouseover functionality like below
<span id='".$id."' class='userInfo' onmouseover='hoverdiv(event,'popupUserInfoDiv')' onmouseout='hoverdiv(event,'popupUserInfoDiv')'>".$c["test"]."</span>
The javascript is not even added yet that if I mouseover I get the following error at the beginning of my DOM:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'
EDIT: sorry if I was not clear enough but my code is PHP generated so I cannot use any double quote ? I tried and it breaks my page
As you're using double-quotes for your PHP string already and single-quotes for your HTML attributes, you won't be able to use single quotes for your JavaScript.
Convert your PHP string to a string block and that should free up your double-quotes, see below for an example of string-block.
$str = <<<EOF
<p><?php echo _("World"); ?></p>