I am trying to make a muting script that doesn't let players talk. At the moment I am at telling which player in the script with no commands but I cant work out or find how to run this function that I created on a specific player, not just mute the entire server.
util.AddNetworkString( "mute_message" )
ismuted == false
targetPlayer == "Xx_Player_xX"
function checkmute()
function SendMessage( ply, txt, pub )
net.Start( "mute_message" )
net.WriteString( "YOU ARE MUTED, SHUT UP" )
net.Send( ply )
return ""
hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "SendMessage", SendMessage, )
function ReceiveMessage()
local txt = net.ReadString()
chat.AddText( Color( 0, 255, 0), txt)
I have so far got to using Player:checkmute(()targetPlayer)
but I assume this is wrong
So at first a few mistakes I have seen on a first quick look.
GM:PlayerSay( Player sender, string text, boolean teamChat )
Player:PrintMessage( number type, string message )
-- sv_mute.lua
-- a list of muted players, you need to get them from somewhere (not part of this answer)
mutedPlayers = {
"StupidMan" = true,
"AnnoyingKid" = true,
"ExGirlfriend" = true
-- the function that will check if a user is muted
local function checkMuted(--[[ string ]] playername)
return mutedPlayers[playername]
-- you probably need to change the code to something else
-- based on how you store your muted players
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "VosemMute_PlayerSay", function(sender, message, teamChat)
if ( checkMuted(sender:GetName()) ) then
sender.PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "You are muted!")
return "" -- this will suppress the message
hook.Add( string eventName, any identifier, function func )
This code is completely untested and written of my mind. If this does not work and throws some errors let me know that. I'll correct it then.