Is it possible in AMP HTML to close amp-lightbox
component after a time delay?
I have a lightbox shown after form submission success and I want to close it automatically after e.g. 5 seconds.
This is not possible with amp-lightbox, but you could build this using amp-bind and amp-animation. The basic idea is:
Which would look like this:
<amp-animation id="snackbarSlideIn" layout="nodisplay">
<script type="application/json">
"duration": "500",
"fill": "both",
"easing": "ease-out",
"iterations": "1",
"selector": ".snackbar",
"keyframes": [{
"transform": "translateY(-100%)"
"transform": "translateY(0)"
"animation": "snackbarSlideOut"
<amp-animation id="snackbarSlideOut" layout="nodisplay">
<script type="application/json">
"delay": "3s",
"duration": "500",
"fill": "both",
"easing": "ease-in",
"iterations": "1",
"selector": ".snackbar",
"keyframes": [{
"transform": "translateY(0)"
"transform": "translateY(-100%)"
<div class="snackbar">
<form on="submit-success:snackbarSlideIn.start" ...>...</form>
Here is a sample demonstrating how to use this approach to create a snackbar with AMP.