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Authenticating FreeRadius request with Atlassian Crowd

I want to authenticate users using Atlassian Crowd from FreeRADIUS and I've been unable to find a plugin or particularly good examples of how this might be done. Specifically in trying to implement the authorize and authenticate portions using an rlm_python script isn't terribly clear. Is there a more complex example where a RESTful backend is used to authenticate without needing to know the password in the authorize function?


  • With some experimentation I created a plugin using python-crowd. You need to add a new Auth-Type to the authorize file that I called CROWD and add python as the authenticator and the authorize section of that file. In mod-configs/python make sure to set the module name and enable authorize and authenticate function calls.

    #! /usr/bin/env python
    import radiusd
    import crowd
    cs = None
    app_url = ''
    app_user = ''
    app_pass = ''
    def instantiate(p):
      global cs
      cs = crowd.CrowdServer(app_url, app_user, app_pass)
    def authorize(p):
      reply = None
      config = None
      result = radiusd.RLM_MODULE_NOTFOUND
      values = dict(p)
      username = values['User-Name']
      success = cs.get_user(username)
      if success:
         config = ( ( 'Auth-Type', 'crowd' ), )
         result = radiusd.RLM_MODULE_OK
      return ( result, reply, config )
    def authenticate(p):
      reply = None
      config = None
      result = radiusd.RLM_MODULE_REJECT
      values = dict(p)
      username = values['User-Name']
      password = values['User-Password']
      success = cs.auth_user(username, password)
      if success:
         reply = ( ( 'Reply-Message', 'Welcome!'), )
         result = radiusd.RLM_MODULE_OK
      return ( result, reply, config )