Search code examples

Find first date in string

I have a pdf file which i parsed using "pdfparser" plugin. From the text of the pages i need to find first date after a specific string (search string). I can find the search string and for date extraction i used


it extracts the date, month fine but i think due to the large string (with some more dates, numbers) it didn't populate the correct year, it gives a random number which is not even present in doc.

Is there any other way to get that date . Following is the example string.(it has more date after the date)

Satisfaction of the mortgage from Karen Ann Lewis,a single woman to Bank of America, N.A. recorded March 4, 2004


  • You could try the following RegEx (to extract the first date in the format you've provided), and then use parse_date():

    $str = 'Satisfaction of the mortgage from Karen Ann Lewis,a single woman to Bank of America, N.A. recorded March 4, 2004';
    preg_match("/(Jan(uary)?|Feb(ruary)?|Mar(ch)?|Apr(il)?|May|Jun(e)?|Jul(y)?|Aug(ust)?|Sep(tember)?|Oct(ober)?|Nov(ember)?|Dec(ember)?)\s+\d{1,2},\s+\d{4}/", $str, $matches);
    var_dump( date_parse($matches[0]) );

    The above outputs:

    array(12) {
      ["year"]     => int(2004)
      ["month"]    => int(3)
      ["day"]      => int(4)
      ["hour"]     => bool(false)
      ["minute"]   => bool(false)
      ["second"]   => bool(false)
      ["fraction"] => bool(false)

    Demo here