Trying publish rest message from solace to http listener.
But configured rest delivery points, consumer, queue-binding status are down :( (Note: Admin status is up)
Http listener link: http://hostname:port/ws/simple/getDefaultRDP
added the screen shots Please let me know any changes need to be done
rest delivery point status screen shot
screenshot for (a)show message-vpn sol-vpn rest rest-delivery-point * detail
show message-vpn sol-vpn rest rest-delivery-point * detail
screenshot for (b) show message-vpn sol-vpn rest rest-consumer * rest-delivery-point * detail
show message-vpn sol-vpn rest rest-consumer * rest-delivery-point * detail
screenshot for (c) show message-vpn sol-vpn rest rest-delivery-point * queue-binding * detail
show message-vpn sol-vpn rest rest-delivery-point * queue-binding * detail
Note: Http listener is a Dellboomi process and listner working fine when i did test with soap ui test tool
The operational status of a Rest Delivery Point (RDP) depends on the operational statuses of its Rest Consumers and Queue bindings.
In this case, the command:
show message-vpn <vpn_name> rest rest-consumer * rest-delivery-point <rdp_name> detail
shows the last failure reason as:
Host Name Resolution Failure
This means the Solace router is unable to resolve the remote hostname to an IP address and thus cannot connect to your http listener.
You'll need to put in a resolvable FQDN as the remote, or an IP address as the remote host.