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Tennis match scheduling

There are a limited number of players and a limited number of tennis courts. At each round, there can be at most as many matches as there are courts. Nobody plays 2 rounds without a break. Everyone plays a match against everyone else. Produce the schedule that takes as few rounds as possible. (Because of the rule that there must a break between rounds for everyone, there can be a round without matches.) The output for 5 players and 2 courts could be:

 |  1   2   3   4   5
2|  1   - 
3|  5   3   - 
4|  7   9   1   - 
5|  3   7   9   5   -

In this output the columns and rows are the player-numbers, and the numbers inside the matrix are the round numbers these two players compete.

The problem is to find an algorithm which can do this for larger instances in a feasible time. We were asked to do this in Prolog, but (pseudo-) code in any language would be useful.

My first try was a greedy algorithm, but that gives results with too many rounds. Then I suggested an iterative deepening depth-first search, which a friend of mine implemented, but that still took too much time on instances as small as 7 players.

(This is from an old exam question. No one I spoke to had any solution.)


  • Preface

    In Prolog, CLP(FD) constraints are the right choice for solving such scheduling tasks.

    See  for more information.

    In this case, I suggest using the powerful global_cardinality/2 constraint to restrict the number of occurrences of each round, depending on the number of available courts. We can use iterative deepening to find the minimal number of admissible rounds.

    Freely available Prolog systems suffice to solve the task satisfactorily. Commercial-grade systems will run dozens of times faster.

    Variant 1: Solution with SWI-Prolog

    :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
    tennis(N, Courts, Rows) :-
            length(Rows, N),
            maplist(same_length(Rows), Rows),
            transpose(Rows, Rows),
            Rows = [[_|First]|_],
            chain(First, #<),
            length(_, MaxRounds),
            numlist(1, MaxRounds, Rounds),
            pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Rounds, Counts),
            Counts ins 0..Courts,
            foldl(triangle, Rows, Vss, Dss, 0, _),
            append(Vss, Vs),
            global_cardinality(Vs, Pairs),
            maplist(breaks, Dss),
            labeling([ff], Vs).
    triangle(Row, Vs, Ds, N0, N) :-
            length(Prefix, N0),
            append(Prefix, [-|Vs], Row),
            append(Prefix, Vs, Ds),
            N #= N0 + 1.
    breaks([P|Ps]) :- maplist(breaks_(P), Ps), breaks(Ps).
    breaks_(P0, P) :- abs(P0-P) #> 1.

    Sample query: 5 players on 2 courts:

    ?- time(tennis(5, 2, Rows)), maplist(writeln, Rows).
    % 827,838 inferences, 0.257 CPU in 0.270 seconds (95% CPU, 3223518 Lips)

    The specified task, 6 players on 2 courts, solved well within the time limit of 1 minute:

    ?- time(tennis(6, 2, Rows)),
       maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
    % 6,675,665 inferences, 0.970 CPU in 0.977 seconds (99% CPU, 6884940 Lips)
      -  1  3  5  7 10
      1  -  6  9 11  3
      3  6  - 11  9  1
      5  9 11  -  2  7
      7 11  9  2  -  5
     10  3  1  7  5  -

    Further example: 7 players on 5 courts:

    ?- time(tennis(7, 5, Rows)),
       maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
    % 125,581,090 inferences, 17.476 CPU in 18.208 seconds (96% CPU, 7185927 Lips)
      -  1  3  5  7  9 11
      1  -  5  3 11 13  9
      3  5  -  9  1  7 13
      5  3  9  - 13 11  7
      7 11  1 13  -  5  3
      9 13  7 11  5  -  1
     11  9 13  7  3  1  -

    Variant 2: Solution with SICStus Prolog

    With the following additional definitions for compatibility, the same program also runs in SICStus Prolog:

    :- use_module(library(lists)).
    :- use_module(library(between)).
    :- op(700, xfx, ins).
    Vs ins D :- maplist(in_(D), Vs).
    in_(D, V) :- V in D.
    chain([], _).
    chain([L|Ls], Pred) :-
            chain_(Ls, L, Pred).
    chain_([], _, _).
    chain_([L|Ls], Prev, Pred) :-
            call(Pred, Prev, L),
            chain_(Ls, L, Pred).
    pairs_keys_values(Ps, Ks, Vs) :- keys_and_values(Ps, Ks, Vs).
    foldl(Pred, Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, S0, S) :-
            foldl_(Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, Pred, S0, S).
    foldl_([], [], [], _, S, S).
    foldl_([L1|Ls1], [L2|Ls2], [L3|Ls3], Pred, S0, S) :-
            call(Pred, L1, L2, L3, S0, S1),
            foldl_(Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, Pred, S1, S).
    time(Goal) :-
            statistics(runtime, [T0|_]),
            statistics(runtime, [T1|_]),
            T #= T1 - T0,
            format("% Runtime: ~Dms\n", [T]).

    Major difference: SICStus, being a commercial-grade Prolog that ships with a serious CLP(FD) system, is much faster than SWI-Prolog in this use case and others like it.

    The specified task, 6 players on 2 courts:

    ?-   time(tennis(6, 2, Rows)),
         maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
    % Runtime: 34ms (!)
      -  1  3  5  7 10
      1  -  6 11  9  3
      3  6  -  9 11  1
      5 11  9  -  2  7
      7  9 11  2  -  5
     10  3  1  7  5  -

    The larger example:

    | ?- time(tennis(7, 5, Rows)),
       maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
    % Runtime: 884ms
      -  1  3  5  7  9 11
      1  -  5  3  9  7 13
      3  5  -  1 11 13  7
      5  3  1  - 13 11  9
      7  9 11 13  -  3  1
      9  7 13 11  3  -  5
     11 13  7  9  1  5  -

    Closing remarks

    In both systems, global_cardinality/3 allows you to specify options that alter the propagation strength of the global cardinality constraint, enabling weaker and potentially more efficient filtering. Choosing the right options for a specific example may have an even larger impact than the choice of Prolog system.