I have a word2vec dictionary which has a list of similar words to given word.
[('limited', 0.7886955142021179),
('limi', 0.6512018442153931),
('limite', 0.6031635999679565),
('wilford', 0.5938706994056702),
('lt', 0.583463728427887),
('lighttech', 0.5828145146369934),
('rmc', 0.5821658372879028),
('tomoike', 0.5752800703048706),
('jd', 0.5751883387565613),
('nxp', 0.5725069046020508)]
I want to create dataframe containing root and similar_words(having similarity above .6)
Currently I am able to write all the similar words corresponding to root word
words = y
similar = [[item[0] for item in model.most_similar(word)[:6]] for word in words]
similarity_matrix = pd.DataFrame({'Root_Word': words, 'Similar_Words': similar})
Current Output
Root_Word Similar_word
[st] [st., sreet, rd;, yop, tseun, tsven]
[limited] [ltd, lt, wt, serial, (h.k., dk]
[centre] [cent, ct, cte, entre, ctr., ce]
Expected output is have only Similar words which having similarity above .6.
How can this be done
Based on your current method:
similar = [[item[0] for item in model.most_similar(word) if item[1] > 0.6] for word in words]