Either of the following two approaches to executing a simple Hibernate query with limited results do not work in Sybase. They both result in a SybSQLException: Incorrect syntax near '@p0'.
Query q = session.createQuery( "from Record" );
q.setMaxResults( 50 );
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria( Record.class );
criteria.setMaxResults( 50 );
It appears the actual SQL generated in both of these cases looks like...
select top ? record_id, etc...
and Sybase is balking at the ?, which Hibernate is not filling in with the value 50 (this is my guess). I've searched everywhere and while others have encountered a similar error, it was not due to attempting to limit the results.
I can execute a direct SQL statement such as 'select top 50 from Record' and it works perfectly, so I know my version of Sybase supports the syntax.
I'm using Hibernate 3.2 and Sybase ASE 15.0.2
Perhaps you configured Hibernate to use a wrong SQL dialect.
It looks like HSQLDialect
is the only dialect that can produce limit ? ?
, and it's definitely a wrong choice for Sybase.
See also: