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Default Constructor in the Subclass Java

I am creating a class ExtendBigInt that extends the BigInteger class and needs to able to set the default value to 0. However, since BigInteger cannot be edited, how do I create a no parameter constructor in the child class? When I try to create a constructor of the child class with no parameter, it throws this error Implicit super constructor BigInteger() is undefined. Must explicitly invoke another constructor

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class ExtendBigInt extends BigInteger{

    public ExtendBigInt() {


    public static void main(String[] args) {
         //BigInteger one = new BigInteger("0");
         //BigInteger two = new BigInteger("1111111111111111111111");
         //BigInteger result = one.subtract(two);
         //System.out.println(one); // -1111111111110987654322
         //double down = result.doubleValue(); // returns a double 
         //System.out.println(down); // -1.1111111111109876E21
         //System.out.println(one.toString()); // 123456789
         //System.out.println(result.subtract(two)); // -2222222222222098765433
         //System.out.println(one.multiply(two)); // 137174209999999999999986282579
         // 1524157902758048400486511315461168814591948287890638869506006559674928884826743139856
         //System.out.println(BigInteger.ONE); // Commonly used BigInteger("1") 




  • Just do

    public ExtendBigInt() {

    There isn't an empty constructor in BigInteger, thus you get that error