I am building a project is asp.net , and Im reading 2 JSON files that I create from a queries.
The loading of the json file is not working. He shows me an error while he trying to read it.
I think its because the controller and the location of the queries.
This is the controller:
public ActionResult TotalPs()
ViewBag.Message = "TotalPs";
return View();
public JsonResult allParking()
var totalQueryParkingLot =
from lot in db.parkingLots
orderby lot.PricePerHour
select lot;
return Json(totalQueryParkingLot);
And this is the part of the view:
ViewBag.Title = "TotalPs";
$(document).ready(function () {
var url2 = "@Url.Action("allParking","parkingLots")";
$.getJSON(url2, function (data2) {
$.each(data2, function (i, field) {
UPDATE http://www.siz.co.il/my.php?i=mrwmygmntmjz.png
Please Help Me
That "view" you are referring to should be in the Scripts folder.
and then in the view that you want the scripts to render, you do:
in the RegisterBundles of the BundleConfig.cs, you add the scripts into a bundle:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bundledScripts").Include(
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bundledScripts").Include( "~/Scripts/scriptOne.js"));
in the page where you want the scripts to take into effect, put this code:
Watch out for the names in bundle and render. They have to match. Hope it helps you.