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angular4 route issue by adding '%2f' character before path

reason of using nested route for me is handling dynamically icon and back button for every page.i have abstract route because when i click to back button route params disappear and i put an abstract path to keep id and questionnaire type parameter in abstract path is Questionaire

 { path: 'Home', component: HomeComponent,data:{icon:'fa-home'} },
 { path: 'QuestionaireList', component: QuestionaireListComponent,data:{icon:'fa-list-ul',previousState:'/Home'} },
      path: 'Questionaire/:questionnaireType/:id',
      { path: 'AddQuestionnaire', component: CreateQuestionnaireComponent,data:{icon:'fa-plus',previousState:'/QuestionaireList'} },
      { path: 'UpdateQuestionnaire', component: EditComponent,data:{icon:'fa-pencil',previousState:'/QuestionaireList'} },
      { path: 'QuestionList', component: QuestionListComponent,data:{icon:'fa-pencil',previousState:'/QuestionaireList'} },
      { path: 'ImportQuestion',    component: ImportQuestionComponent,data:{icon:'fa-plus',previousState:'/QuestionaireList'}  },
      { path: 'MetaContentList', component: MetaContentListComponent,data:{icon:'fa-database',previousState:'/QuestionaireList'} },
      { path: 'ModifyMetaContent/:metaContentId/:title', component: ModifyMetaContentComponent,data:{icon:'fa-database',previousState:'/MetaContentList'}},

Also in questionnaire.list.html i link to every path by routerlink bellow is one my link :


this is my link :

 <a  class="primary small ui icon button" [routerLink]="['/Questionaire',item.questionnaireType,,'/UpdateQuestionnaire']" >
                <i class="edit   icon"></i>

I expected when i click on link i route to this address:


But this error occured

Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'Questionaire/1/b8b55b42-f39f-4359-93d0-0260ddf3827f/%2FUpdateQuestionnaire'

actually routerlink add %2f before UpdateQuestionnaire. why is this happening? what's wrong in my code


  • Have you tried removing the slashes in your Router link like so:

    [routerLink]=['Questionaire', item.questionnaireType,, 'UpdateQuestionnaire']?

    There seems to be a problem with slashes in routerlink as described in this post

    I would post this as a comment, but since I don't have enough reputation I will post this as an answer, sorry about that.

    I hope this clears stuff up for you.

    Kind regards Chris