I'm trying to implement this camera but one of the obstacles I'm facing right now, is the merging of two cameras (what he describes here).
At first I tried to make a non-rectangular camera, but I don't think it's possible without changing a lot of things in the way HaxeFlixel renders.
And then I found the alphaMask()
function in the FlxSpriteUtil
package and I think it would be a better solution.
Not only would it solve my problem, it would actually permit all kinds of funky-shaped cameras, you just have to create the right mask!
But the new problem is that I don't know how to (and again, if it's possible without changing a bit the FlxCamera
) apply it to the camera.
Internally, the FlxCamera
might use a FlxSprite
, but only in blit render mode, and I am in tiles render mode (haven't found how to change, not good enough solution in my opinion), which uses a Flash Sprite instead and I don't know what to do with it.
So in short, do you have an idea how to apply an AlphaMask to a FlxCamera
? Or another way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
PS: If you want to have a look at the (ugly and frenchly commented) code, it's over here!
You can render the contents of a FlxCamera
to a FlxSprite
(though it does require conditional code based on the render mode). The TurnBasedRPG tutorial game uses this for the wave effect in the combat screen, see CombatHUD.hx
if (FlxG.renderBlit)
screenPixels.copyPixels(FlxG.camera.buffer, FlxG.camera.buffer.rect, new Point());
screenPixels.draw(FlxG.camera.canvas, new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
Here's a code example that uses this to create a HaxeFlixel-shaped camera:
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import openfl.geom.Point;
using flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil;
class PlayState extends FlxState
static inline var CAMERA_SIZE = 100;
var maskedCamera:FlxCamera;
var cameraSprite:FlxSprite;
var mask:FlxSprite;
override public function create():Void
maskedCamera = new FlxCamera(0, 0, CAMERA_SIZE, CAMERA_SIZE);
maskedCamera.bgColor = FlxColor.WHITE;
maskedCamera.scroll.x = 50;
// this is a bit of a hack - we need this camera to be rendered so we can copy the content
// onto the sprite, but we don't want to actually *see* it, so just move it off-screen
maskedCamera.x = FlxG.width;
cameraSprite = new FlxSprite();
cameraSprite.makeGraphic(CAMERA_SIZE, CAMERA_SIZE, FlxColor.WHITE, true);
cameraSprite.x = 50;
cameraSprite.y = 100;
cameraSprite.cameras = [FlxG.camera];
mask = new FlxSprite(FlxGraphic.fromClass(GraphicLogo));
var redSquare = new FlxSprite(0, 25);
redSquare.makeGraphic(50, 50, FlxColor.RED);
FlxTween.tween(redSquare, {x: 150}, 1, {type: FlxTween.PINGPONG});
override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
var pixels = cameraSprite.pixels;
if (FlxG.renderBlit)
pixels.copyPixels(maskedCamera.buffer, maskedCamera.buffer.rect, new Point());
cameraSprite.alphaMaskFlxSprite(mask, cameraSprite);