Of the many, many assert methods in Python's standard unittest
package, .assertHasAttr()
is curiously absent. While writing some unit tests I've run into a case in which I'd like to test for the presence of an attribute in an object instance.
What's a safe/correct alternative for the missing .assertHasAttr()
Came up with an answer as I was writing the question. Given a class/test case that inherits from unittest.TestCase
, you can just add a method based on .assertTrue()
def assertHasAttr(self, obj, intendedAttr):
testBool = hasattr(obj, intendedAttr)
# python >=3.8 only, see below for older pythons
self.assertTrue(testBool, msg=f'obj lacking an attribute. {obj=}, {intendedAttr=}')
I didn't find anything on google when I was searching before, so I'll leave this here in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.
I've updated my answer to use the neat new "self-documenting" feature for f-strings that was added in python 3.8. If you want a assertHasAttr
func that will be compatible with any python (including <=3.7), change the last line to instead be:
# last line of original answer, will work with any python
self.assertTrue(testBool, msg='obj lacking an attribute. obj: %s, intendedAttr: %s' % (obj, intendedAttr))