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ValueError: could not convert string to float: '" "'

I have some values is csv file and In csv file some values are numeric and some are string number. Example of csv file:


So I wnated to convert string to float. So here is my code:

datareader = csv.reader(datafile, delimiter=",", quoting= csv.QUOTE_NONE)

    names =  []
for row in datareader:
        data = dict()
        data.update(local_timestamp = row[0])
        data.update(nse_timestamp = float(row[1]))

But it return value error.

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '"1151226468812.22"'


  • The problem is that your string is not just '1151226468812.22', but it is '"1151226468812.22"'. It also contains speech marks ("). This means that before you convert this to a float, you need to remove the leading and trailing speech marks. Luckily, Python has a very handy string method .strip() to do this for you.

    string.strip(s) will return a string that has the leading and ending 's' characters removed

    For example:

    myString = "#hello#".strip("#")

    In this code, myString would be just 'hello'

    In this case, you want to strip row[1] of the leading and trailing " characters. You can do this very easily:
