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Angular CDK: How to set Inputs in a ComponentPortal

I would like to use the new Portal from material CDK to inject dynamic content in multiple part of a form.

I have a complex form structure and the goal is to have a form that specify multiple place where sub components could (or not) inject templates.

Maybe the CDK Portal is not the best solution for this?

I tried something but I am sure it is not the way of doing:

I tried also with new ComponentPortal(MyPortalComponent) but how can we set Inputs on it ? Usually is something like componentRef.component.instance.myInput


  • You can create a custom injector and inject it to the component portal you create.

    createInjector(dataToPass): PortalInjector {
        const injectorTokens = new WeakMap();
        injectorTokens.set(CONTAINER_DATA, dataToPass);
        return new PortalInjector(this._injector, injectorTokens);

    CONTAINER_DATA is a custom injector (InjectorToken) created by -

    export const CONTAINER_DATA = new InjectionToken<{}>('CONTAINER_DATA');

    To consume created injector, use -

    let containerPortal = new ComponentPortal(ComponentToPort, null, this.createInjector({

    overlay is an instance of OverlayRef (Which is Portal Outlet)

    Inside ComponentToPort, you will need to inject the created injector -

    @Inject(CONTAINER_DATA) public componentData: any

    More on this here.