We have a table named parq store as parquet, and there is a field which is Decimal in parq.
When I load parq into BigQuery, I got a message :
"Parquet type 'FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY' (DECIMAL) for field 'field_name' is not supported."
Load result:
Waiting on bqjob_r70dd180dddb0942d_00000160bb2ff706_1 ... (1s) Current status: DONE Error in query string: Error processing job 'project_id:bqjob_r70dd180dddb0942d_00000160bb2ff706_1': Parquet type 'FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY' (DECIMAL) for field 'field_name' is not supported.
bq load --source_format=PARQUET --time_partitioning_type=DAY "dataset.table$20171001" "gs://data.0.parq"
How can I load parquet file like data.0.parq into Bigquery?
DECIMAL type is not yet supported by BigQuery. According to Google, should be ready in Q1: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/35906014
So meanwhile I guess you would have to Cast this field into a Float before storing it into Parquet