I want to copy a file whose source and destinations are stored in variables.
def gitPath = 'C:\\demo1\\'
def ServerPath= 'D:\\demo\\git1\\'
def file = 'Sports/Badminton/Players/Saina.txt'
def command = "xcopy /y $gitPath$file $ServerPath$file /Q"
def copyManuscriptsCommandExecute =command.execute();
def cmcErr = new StringBuffer()
def copyManuscriptsCommandExecuteOutput=copyManuscriptsCommandExecute.text
println "Copy Manuscripts Command Execution Output: "+copyManuscriptsCommandExecuteOutput
println "Copy Manuscripts Command Execution Error: "+cmcErr.toString()
I am getting error as invalid parameters.IF I use def file = 'Sports\\Badminton\\Players\\Saina.txt'
then it is working fine.However i am getting the value of variable file from the output of a command execution so i can't change that. Is there a way to fix this?
You need to convert unix path separator to windows like \.
file = normalize(file)
def command = "xcopy /y $gitPath$file $ServerPath$file /Q"
static String normalize(String s) {
s.replaceAll('/', File.separator)
Just normalize the separator before using the string read from command line.