I am trying to get the map to be centered to the defaultMarker. However, when the map finish loading the view was slightly above the default marker. I have to scroll down to the middle to see the defaultMarker. Any idea how I can center the view when the map is loaded? I am using React, redux, and react-google-maps.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {withGoogleMap, GoogleMap, Marker} from "react-google-maps";
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
class VenuesMap extends Component {
render() {
let markers;
if (this.props.venues !== null) {
markers = this.props.venues.map((venue, i) => {
return (
position={{ lat: venue.location.lat, lng: venue.location.lng}}
} else {
markers = <Marker position={{ lat: 40.7589, lng:-73.9851}}/>
const MapWithAMarker = withGoogleMap(props =>
defaultCenter={{ lat: 40.7589, lng: -73.9851 }}
center={{ lat: 40.7589, lng: -73.9851 }}
const googleMap = <MapWithAMarker
containerElement={<div style={{
height: `410vh`
}} />}
mapElement={<div style={{ height: `410vh`
}} />}
return (
const stateToProps = (state) => {
return {venues: state.venue.venues}
export default connect(stateToProps)(VenuesMap)
maximum window height is 100vh
just try height: 100vh
or less.