Have review(for adding review or comments) component in my application.
When add review, that p:dataTable
is updated with ajax.
before adding review:
after adding first review
refresh page(F5):
after adding second review:
<h:form onsubmit="return commValidator();">
<h:inputText value="#{comment.commentator}"/>
<h:inputTextarea value="#{comment.body}";"/>
<p:commandButton value="send" action="#{showProducts.addComment}" update="comms"/>
<p:dataTable id="comms" value="#{showProducts.comments}" var="com">
<h:outputText value="#{com.postDate}">
The problem is p:dataTable
component is displayed twice on page.
After new review been added, that newly created p:dataTable
How to make p:dataTable
displayed already after go to page and once time?
component resolves this problem
It displays ones and new elem. is added to already existing list instead of creating new one list as with p:dataTable